Learning for TMap® Suite Test Engineer with a practice exam
Making a practice exam in preparation for the official TMap® exam: is that a good way to master the testing method? In this blog we answer this question. You will read about TMap® Suite Test Engineer, the certification and a mock exam. Are you curious? Then read on!
What is TMap Suite Test Engineer?
TMap Suite is the way a test is approached. You could call it a way of working. With TMap you can do structured, efficient and effective software testing. The advantage of the TMap method is that it is still current. TMap was released in 1995 by Sogeti, a Dutch company. Sogeti is still committed to keeping the testing method current. It is for this reason that TMap Suite has been made world famous. The test method helps countless software testers to test software.
A TMap certificate
You read it correctly: you can obtain a TMap certificate. With it you demonstrate that you have sufficient knowledge to test software. Prior to that exam you will learn how to test software using the TMap method. Such a certificate is sought after because it shows that you have skills in the field of software testing. A multi-year study on software testing does not (yet) exist. Therefore, as a beginning software tester, you must appropriate the knowledge in other ways. Taking an e-learning and passing the TMap® exam can be a good way to master the basics of testing.
To pass the exam, you need to learn the information well. Studying texts endlessly is not helpful. Staring at videos about software testing is probably not too good an option either. Taking mock exams, on the other hand, could be a good preparation for the official exam. So we ask ourselves: does a practice exam actually help you learn the TMap® method?
Does a practice exam help in learning TMap?
A practice test is an excellent way to test your knowledge and prepare for the TMap exam. We at Testlearning are convinced of that. The practice exam is a great tool to prepare for two reasons:
- You'll see what questions to expect on the exam and learn how to answer them.
- You see immediately what you can and cannot do, because the result is visible immediately after completion.
A practice exam is always a bit like the real exam. The questions will differ slightly from a real exam, but the tenor and the phrasing of the questions will largely be the same. The result? You will not be faced with any surprises during the real exam. You know what can and will be asked and learn to answer those questions. Taking a practice exam also helps you to fully master the TMap method. This is how it works: after taking the test, you immediately see the results. You see which parts went well and which did not. Based on that, you determine what needs more attention and what you can already do. That's efficient learning!
A sample exam from Testlearning
Our online course TMap Suite Test Engineer, which we call 'e-learning', always include a mock exam. The practice exams are included as standard in the packages. With unlimited access to these practice exams, you will learn efficiently and prepare well for the official exam!
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