Testing software using to the TMap method

First, a fact to be proud of: TMap was developed on Dutch soil. The Dutch branch of our partner Sogeti, already came up with this method of software testing in 1995. Today it is still a relevant way to test the functionality of software. In the blog below, we'll update you on testing via TMap. Curious? Then read on!

schedule 30 maart 2022
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What does TMap mean?

TMap is the abbreviation for Test Management Approach, also called a test design technique . It is about the way you approach a software test. TMap works according to a number of fixed components, which will become clear later in this article. The goal of TMap is to do software testing according to a standard method. This improves the quality of software testing and with the result that parts of it can sometimes be automated.

Since when does TMap exist?

TMap has been around since 1995. So the method has been around for quite a few years. TMap was developed as a testing method by our partner Sogeti. Since its origins in 1995, many software testers have been using the well-organized method. Since the world of software development has not stood still, the method has been adapted here and there over the years. This ensures that TMap remains current and is essential for many IT companies. To date, Sogeti develops publications on the popular test method every two years.

The working method of TMap

Let's take a closer look at the method in terms of content. The method of TMap falls into four parts:

  1. Phasing
  2. Organization
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Techniques

When testing software according to TMap, each part is covered. Each part covers important parts of the testing process.


Sogeti likes models to represent something graphically. This is evidenced by the fact that when it comes to 'phasing', a special model was created to represent the elements. The phasing consists of the following elements:

  1. Plans
  2. Preparing
  3. Specify
  4. Execute
  5. Run

The subject matter is too extensive to cover all in this blog, but if you have any questions about it you are always welcome to send us a message. Want to know all about software testing via TMap? Then following our E-learning TMAP® Suite Test Engineer is really for you!

Besides phasing, other parts within TMap deal with the organization (the company), the infrastructure or techniques to be used.


This section identifies all the people involved. In this section you determine which people are needed and involved in the software test. In practice, this means appointing a test manager and coordinator and finding some testers. Other stakeholders, such as users or analysts, are also identified.


In this section, you make sure that the test environment is as similar as possible to daily practice and reality. A test that is performed in an environment that deviates greatly from reality is worthless. Therefore, in this section you pay attention to the design of a realistic environment.


At 'Techniques' you carefully determine which resources, supporting items and techniques will be used in testing. All techniques must support the test in a good way. You look at what relevant means and techniques fit the purpose of your software test.

Applying TMap in practice

Can't wait to apply this method in practice? Then an online course can help you master the information. Check out our course offerings to see what we can do for you!

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