Testlearning is partner of Sogeti for training in the field of testing and quality in a digital learning environment.


We put a lot of time and energy into this tool to ensure that you can train yourself as good as possible. You can follow the courses both via your laptop or computer, as well as via an app on your smartphone.

Our e-learning courses for testing

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Follow the e-learning Tmap® Suite Test Engineer. During this training you will learn how to test software in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap® Suite.

Connect testing to the company's goals with the help of the TPI Next® Foundation e-learning. As a result, you'll ensure cost savings, faster time-to-market or quality improvement.

The global developments in the field of IT are moving fast. Individuals and teams are expected to work fast and deliver quality. TMAP® supports this new way of working towards built-in quality that goes beyond testing.

Discover our e-learning platform

  • Access the e-learning platform using the app on your phone or a computer
  • You automatically see where you left off last time
  • Add notes and highlights and find them easily
  • Practice the theory during and/or at the end of every chapter with test questions
  • Receive feedback per question
  • Are you stuck? Chat with your trainer
  • Finish with a practice exam, to prepare for the official exam for TMAP®: Quality for cross- functional teams
  • Did you pass the practice exam? Then you will receive a certificate