E-learning TMAP® Suite Test Engineer

Structured, effective and efficient testing with TMap® Suite

Organizations are becoming aware of the dependency on the information systems they use. As a result, the attention for the quality of the information systems that are being taken into production has increased sharply. Testing is one of the most important ways to determine whether an information system meets the quality requirements. During this training program you will learn how to test in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap® Suite.

TMap® Suite: A solid foundation for testing

During this training course you will learn how to test in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap® Suite. Interactive e-learning modules deal with the theory in a dynamic way. This training provides a solid foundation and can be regarded as the basic training in the field of testing.

This e-learning TMap® Suite Test Engineer is a combination of different sources that have been combined in the workbook, which can be followed in one dynamic trajectory in this e-learning. The training course consists of interactive e-learning modules that deal with the theory in a dynamic way. These modules use animations and practice assignments for testing, among other things.

Read about the differences between TMAP® Suite Test Engineer and TMAP® Quality for cross-functional teams.

Certificate after completion

The e-learning modules within this course cover the entire material of the generally recognized TMap® Suite Test Engineer. The modules use animations, practice questions and assignments for testing. After following this training course you can specify tests and apply the coverage forms and test techniques. Once you have completed this e-learning course, it will no longer be possible to take the official TMap® Suite Test Engineer exam. However, after completing this e-learning you will receive a certificate of participation. This certificate can be presented to your employer or client.


For the E-learning you invest 60 hours of self-study and you pay € 695,00 for 6 months of access to the training materials on the e-learning platform.

To summarize: TMap® Suite Test Engineer

  • You will learn how to test in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap®.

€ 695,00


Paragraphs 72
Test exam questions
6 months
Language Dutch
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Follow the e-learning Tmap® Suite Test Engineer. During this training you will learn how to test software in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap® Suite.

Connect testing to the company's goals with the help of the TPI Next® Foundation e-learning. As a result, you'll ensure cost savings, faster time-to-market or quality improvement.

The global developments in the field of IT are moving fast. Individuals and teams are expected to work fast and deliver quality. TMAP® supports this new way of working towards built-in quality that goes beyond testing.