TMap Building Blocks: indispensable for software testers

As a software tester, you probably know the feeling. You've spent hours, days, maybe weeks testing a software product, and just when you think everything is running smoothly, a bug pops up that you completely overlooked. Frustrating, right? What if we told you that there is a methodology to help you structure and optimise your testing process? Meet TMap Building Blocks!

schedule 5 dec2023
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What is TMap?

TMap, or Test Management Approach, is a structured methodology for software testing. It helps you manage tests in a systematic, efficient and, yes, even fun way!

Why Building Blocks are so useful

You can think of Building Blocks as the building blocks of your testing process. They are like the puzzle pieces that, when fitted together properly, form a clear picture of your testing approach. Let's take a closer look at these blocks:

A. Test strategy

Think back to the last time you encountered an unexpected bug in software. Of course, you'd rather not. A thorough testing strategy helps you decide in advance what you will test and how thoroughly you will do it. By making a plan in advance, you reduce the chance of bugs slipping through the cracks.

Tips for testing strategy:

  • Define your target audience. Who is going to use the software? What are their needs and expectations?
  • Set priorities. You can't test everything, so focus on the most crucial parts.

B. Infrastructure & tools

To test properly and efficiently, a good infrastructure and tools are hugely important. This is because with the right infrastructure and tools, you as a software tester can accurately and efficiently detect and fix errors.

Tips for putting this to good use:

  • Invest in reliable testing tools that fit your needs.
  • Make sure you have a test environment that is as close as possible to the production environment.

Test design & specification

Test design & specification enables you to determine systematically and in detail what you are going to test and how you are going to test it. In this way, you ensure targeted tests that actually validate the quality of the software and reveal any defects.

Tips for this:

  • Describe your test-specific needs clearly. What exactly do you expect from a test case?
  • Use techniques such as decision tables or a datacombination test (DCT) to arrive at a complete test design.

Test execution

Test execution is the actual process in which you run the predefined test scenarios and cases on the software. As a result, you find out whether or not the software meets the specified requirements, and discover any errors before they reach your end users.


  • Automise routine tests for efficiency, but never underestimate the value of a human eye (and common sense).
  • Test iteratively. Start early, test often.

Findings management

Findings management helps you systematically track and manage identified errors during testing. This allows you to ensure consistency, improve communication with your team of developers and ensure that the likelihood of errors is minimised.


  • Document bugs clearly. Screenshots and screenshots are incredibly helpful here!
  • Communicate with your development team. Good cooperation is important to achieve a good solution.

TMap building blocks for better software

So TMap's Building Blocks are the key to an efficient, effective and structured testing process. Give them a try and stop letting those pesky bugs surprise you! Want to learn more about TMap and how to integrate it into your testing process? Dive deeper into the world of e-learnings for software testers at Testlearning!