E-learning TPI NEXT® Foundation

TPI NEXT®: more benefit from your test organization

Striving for process improvement can be motivated by cost savings, shortening the time-to-market or quality improvement. TPI NEXT® is a model that helps you improve your testing process in a targeted manner based on your business objectives. TPI NEXT® aligns test objectives with your business objectives. Testing will run better, more efficient, faster and with an increase in quality, so you will get more return from your test organization.

TPI NEXT® helps you set up and manage test process improvements

Improving the testing process entails the necessary changes. In practice, however, it is often difficult to determine which steps should be taken and in what order. During the TPI NEXT® Foundation e-learning course you will learn how to set up and manage such an improvement process.

Most software process improvement models pay only limited attention to structured testing. In addition, these models often only provide a reference: are you doing it the right way? The TPI NEXT® model goes further and gives you adequate suggestions for improvement for your testing process. The model also shows you how you can apply it flexibly in different situations such as Agile environments, in addition to the use of CMMi and Outsourcing. During the training you will learn how the TPI NEXT® model helps you improve your test process step by step in these situations. In addition, you will learn how to implement test methods such as TMap NEXT® using this model.

You will receive tools to start the improvement of a test process:

  • Business Driven Test Process Improvement;
  • The approach to the improvement process of a test process;
  • Insights into the necessity of testing improvements;
  • Making a good improvement proposal.

E-learning TPI NEXT® Foundation

The E-learning TPI NEXT® Foundation training gives you insight into the TPI NEXT® model and how you can apply this model:

  • The structure and background of TPI NEXT®;
  • The steps of improvement provided by TPI NEXT®;
  • TPI NEXT® in various environments;
  • Applying TPI NEXT® in your own context.


Once you have completed this e-learning course, it is no longer be possible to take the official exam. However, after completing this e-learning you will receive a certificate of participation. This certificate can be presented to your employer or client.

For whom?

This training is of practical and strategic importance for everyone involved in and/or responsible for structuring and improving the testing process. Of course, this training is also intended for anyone who wants to obtain the internationally recognized TPI NEXT® Foundation. For example: software testers, test coordinators and test managers. This course is also suitable for test consultants, quality officers and employees responsible for acceptance testing or involved in defining test standards.

Costs and investment

For this e-learning course you will need to invest 30 hours of self studying and you pay € 595.00 for 6 months of access to all the materials on the e-learning platform.Once you have completed this e-learning course, it will no longer be possible to take the official TMap® Suite Test Engineer exam. However, after completing this e-learning you will receive a certificate of participation. This certificate can be presented to your employer or client.

€ 595,00


Paragraphs 19
Test exam
6 months
Language Dutch
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Follow the e-learning Tmap® Suite Test Engineer. During this training you will learn how to test software in a structured, effective and efficient way using TMap® Suite.

Connect testing to the company's goals with the help of the TPI Next® Foundation e-learning. As a result, you'll ensure cost savings, faster time-to-market or quality improvement.

The global developments in the field of IT are moving fast. Individuals and teams are expected to work fast and deliver quality. TMAP® supports this new way of working towards built-in quality that goes beyond testing.